Saturday 27 October 2018

Unit 4 Digital Technologies for Video and Audio

There are several programs that come into mind when talking about digital technologies for Video and Audio...  I have compiled a list of programs (paid and free) that may be useful when developing materials.  I do believe that technology will have a significant part in language learning, with significant amounts of language learners not having the resources to access language learning centers.  I think that I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn the English language with a wide range of supports, including the fact that my own parents spoke to me in English when I was young.  I would often argue that English is my first language, since my dad worked oversees and spoke to me in English before speaking to me in his own first language.  However, there are individuals around the world that do not have access to language resources.  Perhaps one of the best examples that I know would be the majority of refugees that flee war-torn countries, who do not have the necessary English language skills to communicate in North America.  My organization actually serves this population, and we often see individuals that have both language and literacy issues that need to be addressed in order for them to secure work.

I often wonder whether we see the classroom in such a way that we accommodate for a "typical" language learner with minimal barriers.  One of the things that are often emphasized in our jobs is a secure environment for them to learn, but I often ask myself how uncomfortable it is to go from a high support environment to an environment that emphasizes individual work with low support (such as a workplace).  I think the realities of how language is taught, the instructional materials that we use and the tools that we use would be changed as technology improves and creates opportunities for us to engage the learners in more innovative ways.

Photo Story



Puppet Pals

ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard

Vyond (formerly known as GoAnimate)


Pod Bean

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