Saturday 27 October 2018

Unit 5 Digital Tools for Interactive Quizzes -- Socrative and Quiz to Try.

I learned about a web-based application that enables instructors to create quizzes, monitor progress as learners go through the quiz, and then provide specific feedback (correct and incorrect, with or without explanation).  I then proceeded to create a quiz that I thought would be helpful to illustrate the entire process.

Please click the link below and then try out the quiz!  I also included a set of instructions here to guide you through the experience.

Socrative Quiz -- Sewing Machine Vocabulary


Enter the Room Name BUCKLASCHUK

Enter YOUR name

Select the best answer and click on SUBMIT ANSWER

Once you are finished, click on MENU and then click on LOG OUT.

Hope you enjoyed the experience!

The really awesome part about this is that you can provide feedback at every step and you can also monitor the students' progress as they go about it.  It will also show the questions that they made a mistake on, and we can react on real time.

I thought this was great when it comes to vocabulary or grammar or writing.  There are options for short answers and true or false as well.

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