Sunday 3 March 2019

TESL 0150 - Module 2

Since I evaluated an ESL website for my paper (posted here), I also wanted to alter the material based on the needs within my own classroom.  I wanted the participants to listen to the instructions on how to operate on the sewing machine, and then select the picture based on what they have heard and remembered.  This will tell me a few things: a) the level of listening comprehension, b) their ability to remember verbal instructions, c) the overall level of their listening skills, and d) their analytical skills.  In the exercise, each row will be a step and they have to select the picture that illustrates or shows the correct step.  For example, the first row is the first step to operating the machine.  They are to put a check mark or an "X" on the box beside the correct picture.  The correct picture for the first step is the first picture -- sit down with their back on the back rest of the chair.  This continues until the exercise is finished.

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