Sunday 3 March 2019

TESL 0150 - Module 3

This module discussed the effective adaptation of learning materials for our needs.  Something that specifically stood out to me is this constant need to make sure that we are addressing both what the curriculum dictates, but also what specifically the learners need to know.   There are many materials and resources developed within the public domain or under CC licensing, and we are able to use these materials but alter them in such a way that addresses the learning needs of our students.  Perhaps the most interesting insight that I have had is that I would like the students to participate in the material development process a bit more, so that I would be able to know exactly what they need to know to become effective in their jobs.

This is probably the reason why I always try to make it a point to make the materials that I do develop as applicable to my learners as possible, since I end up going back into the classroom with a fresh ideas and more effective ways to teach people with language barriers.  I developed the second page of my listening exercise (one that I started in module 2).  It continues where I left off, but this time, I added some pictures that have "bad habits" that people with experience have (not in the instructions such as hands are side by side rather than the prescribed 9 and 6 position required for their job).  This way, I am testing their listening skills rather than their previous experience either through working or through the assessment that they take before they are accepted into the program.

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