Sunday 10 March 2019

TESL 0150 - Assignment 3 Material Development Paper

Profile of Target Learners
          My target learners are newcomers or immigrants from the age of 18 and above that do not have a lot of experience in a formal language classes, with language levels that start from CBL 3 and above.  The language requirement is dictated by the program outline stated in the proposal submitted to the Manitoba government, with CBL1-3 learners being considered for different programming within the organization.  All the students have expressed interest in working as an industrial sewing machine operator with our partner company.  Therefore, the main goal of the learners is to gain the skill and knowledge required to qualify for technical training as a sewing machine operator in the garment factory and become successful in the field.  The learners have a wide variety of experiences and schooling, with some having no form of education and others having college or university certification or degrees.  My learners have high motivation to acquire and maintain employment and are driven to learn as much skills and knowledge as they can to pass technical training.  Learners require workplace-specific training, including vocabulary, knowledge and skills, and much of their learning interest focuses on employment and workplace expectations.  Technological proficiency is also varied, with some being comfortable with all forms of technology and others having no experience operating any technological device that are used in the classroom (computers, cellphones, etc.).  Others may be more comfortable reading or accessing materials that are on paper.
Learning Objectives
·       Identify the appropriate scenario based on a given verbal description of a step
·       Recognize key words and select the appropriate response
·       Appropriately fill out a given worksheet based on the verbal instructions given by the instructor.
·       Be able to recall the step-by-step verbal instruction on how to operate an industrial sewing machine

Adapted or Created Materials with Explanation of the Part of the Lesson to Which They Belong 

          The materials are created to be part of the assessment portion of the lesson, whereby I assess whether students comprehend the verbal instructions given to them on how to operate a sewing machine.  By understanding exactly what the verbal instructions are in terms of pictures, they can more efficiently remember the steps that they are required to follow when they operate the sewing machine.  Therefore, the material is designed to be a learning comprehension assessment.
A Rationale for the Resource Suitability, Based on Evaluation Criteria and Principles in Materials Development
As indicated in Assignment 2, although modified, I decided to use a criterion based on Tomlinson (2014) and includes the following:
·       Do the materials help learners personalize their learning?
·       Do the materials engage the learners cognitively?
·       Do the materials provide an achievable challenge?
·       Do the materials help learners make use of the English environment outside the classroom?
Again, I used these principles when developing material because I wanted to make sure that the materials are learner-centred.  The material helps learners personalize their learning by identifying information that they either don’t quite understand or have mastered.  This enables them to address learning issues or problems in understanding, especially when it comes to exactly knowing what to do with the machine.  It helps engage learners cognitively, as they would have to analyze what is being said (verbal instructions) and appropriately respond by selecting the image that they deem to be most appropriate as a match.  This is important in the lesson because learners are developing learning skills or strategies that can help them when learning more complicated tasks or patterns while they are undergoing technical training or while they are working.  Next, the material must provide an achievable challenge so that we can address any learning gaps but still be able to encourage the learner to acquire the necessary vocabulary and skills required to become successful.  By scaffolding the skill of operating the sewing machine and having listening comprehension as one of the first initial steps, we are insuring that learners are able to acquire the skill of effectively listening to instructions to apply to a technical skill of sewing machine operation.  Finally, since the class is meant for individuals that are finding employment, it is essential that the material is something that they can outside of the classroom and into the workplace.

A Copyright License

A Link to Tulela Resource

TESL 0150 - Module 4

As part of my e-portfolio, I am posting the finalized adapted material on my blog!  This includes the instructions and the answer key

Sunday 3 March 2019

TESL 0150 - Module 3

This module discussed the effective adaptation of learning materials for our needs.  Something that specifically stood out to me is this constant need to make sure that we are addressing both what the curriculum dictates, but also what specifically the learners need to know.   There are many materials and resources developed within the public domain or under CC licensing, and we are able to use these materials but alter them in such a way that addresses the learning needs of our students.  Perhaps the most interesting insight that I have had is that I would like the students to participate in the material development process a bit more, so that I would be able to know exactly what they need to know to become effective in their jobs.

This is probably the reason why I always try to make it a point to make the materials that I do develop as applicable to my learners as possible, since I end up going back into the classroom with a fresh ideas and more effective ways to teach people with language barriers.  I developed the second page of my listening exercise (one that I started in module 2).  It continues where I left off, but this time, I added some pictures that have "bad habits" that people with experience have (not in the instructions such as hands are side by side rather than the prescribed 9 and 6 position required for their job).  This way, I am testing their listening skills rather than their previous experience either through working or through the assessment that they take before they are accepted into the program.

TESL 0150 - Assignment 2 Paper

Profile of Target Learners
          My target learners are newcomers who do not have a lot of experience in a formal language class and range from 18 and above.  The language levels would be anywhere from CBL 3 and above.  Some have acquired graduate level schooling or some vocational training while others have minimal schooling.  The main goal of the learners is to gain enough proficiency in English to be hired at a place of employment and be successful within their career choice.  Therefore, most desire to be able to effectively communicate with their co-workers, supervisors and managers, and understand work instructions or policies that affect their work.  Most, if not all, my learners have high motivation since they are motivated to find work.  They want to learn as many words and acquire as much language skills as possible.  My learners do require workplace-specific vocabulary and skills, and much of their interest revolves around hiring and workplace responsibilities.  Since my learners have different backgrounds, with a broad range of education and learning experience, technological proficiency is also varied.  Some learners will have high proficiency in technology, and some will need a lot of guidance when it comes to operating technological devices (such as computers).  Others may have more experience in operating mobile phones rather than computers and could be more comfortable viewing or doing something on the phone.

Learning Objectives
     Identify the appropriate scenario based on a given verbal description
·       Recognize key words from an audio sample and fill in missing information
·       Understand information that is verbally given and answer questions
·       Appropriately fill out a given form based on information that is verbally given
·       Use words that they acquire through verbal instructions and conversations
·       Apply vocabulary outside the context of classroom learning (apply it in everyday life)

Description of the Selected Resource and Explanation

          For the resource, I have selected a listening comprehension exercise from the website ESL Printables (  There are a series of worksheets, ranging from identification and colouring of letters that they hear to filling out reports based on the information that they hear.  For example, there is a worksheet wherein the learner is asked to listen to a scenario and then choose the option that best illustrates it.  It has a selection of pictures (choice A to D) and a text sheet.  The text sheet contains paragraphs or groups of sentences that will be read out to the students, and they will then go through the pictures and choose which one accurately represents the story or scenario that has been read to them.

          The reason why the resource was selected is because there is a wide range of topics and levels, and there are a lot of worksheets that are visual and makes use of auditory materials.  The resource also utilizes a broad range of materials that test different aspects of listening comprehension – from simple responses to more complicated skill of transcribing dictated speech.  Perhaps what appealed to me the most is that there is a way to scaffold learning and there are many ways that the user can apply their learning onto an environment outside of the classroom while making them aware of a different culture.  In this way, there are many resources that can be used to make sure that it challenges the learners by personalizing their training.

Description of the Evaluation Criteria and Explanation of the Decision Making

For the evaluation of the resource, I decided to use a criterion based on Tomlinson (2014) and includes the following:
·       Do the materials help learners personalize their learning?
·       Do the materials engage the learners cognitively?
·       Do the materials provide an achievable challenge?
·       Do the materials help the learners to develop cultural awareness?
·       Do the materials help learners make use of the English environment outside the classroom?

Due to the wide range of skills and backgrounds that my learners possess, I wanted to really concentrate on personalize learning and challenges, keeping in mind that they are newcomers and would need to exercise these skills in an environment outside of the classroom.  Since the learners are newcomers, they would also need to develop cultural awareness so that they can adapt to the environment and the workforce.  By having this component, they can better cope with the expectations that the employers have on them.  In addition, the materials must be able to engage the learners cognitively since they would need to practice their thinking skills when they go for an interview or while they are working.

Evaluation of the Selected Resource Using Evaluation Criteria

Help personalize learning
I think that the resource enables learners to personalize their learning to an extent, since there is a limitation on what types of topics can be used.  Learners with higher language skills may not have enough resources to practice or improve their skills.  As well, it is important to note that my learners have specific needs and personalizing their learning may also mean providing them with work-specific documents and tasks that they can readily use for interviews or for work tasks.  The resource does have general materials that can be used for everyday learning and can be used for general learning for a different program.
Engage learners cognitively
The resource does engage the learners cognitively, as it encourages them to use their thinking skills to expand their listening skills.  The materials are designed to help learners understand what they are listening to, and eventually be able to apply the information into a broader context (outside of the classroom).  The goal is for them to comprehend what they hear and subsequently apply it in their own lives and understanding.
Provide achievable challenge
The resource does have varying levels of difficulty, with beginner to intermediate levels.  The learners can then be assigned or can choose the worksheets to work on depending on their skills and their learning style.  Therefore, the materials provide learners an achievable challenge through the notion of scaffolding (different levels for different learners).
Help develop cultural awareness
Interestingly, the resource also provides materials that describe or discuss aspects of another culture.  The discussions of televisions, vacations, multicultural Britain, etc., gives us insight to the present culture.  Therefore, the resource helps newcomers develop a sense of cultural awareness by presenting information about it.
Help make use of the English environment outside of the classroom
The resource utilizes topics that exist outside the classroom context, such as songs, television, vacations, cybercrime and social issues.  By having these broad topics, the learners can apply the vocabulary and skills that they learn or practice outside the classroom environment.  Even some of the activities or materials utilize discussions that often happen outside of the classroom such as a description of homes or what they did last weekend or their hobbies.

Conclusion (whether it is suitable for a specified context of learning)

Overall, I think that the resource is not perfectly suitable for the context of workplace learning and will have to be modified to reflect the vocabulary and skills that are required from my learners.  While this is the case, it is important to note that the resource has great materials for introductory language learning.  It provides a wide range of materials with a broad range of skill requirements and topics, which is excellent when attempting to connect with the learner’s previous knowledge or experience.  Therefore, it is a great way to introduce a skill to the learners but would need to be adapted to a more workplace context if I would like to align it to the needs of my learners.


Tomlinson, B. (2014) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. Great Britain:
          Bloomsbury Academic

TESL 0150 - Module 2

Since I evaluated an ESL website for my paper (posted here), I also wanted to alter the material based on the needs within my own classroom.  I wanted the participants to listen to the instructions on how to operate on the sewing machine, and then select the picture based on what they have heard and remembered.  This will tell me a few things: a) the level of listening comprehension, b) their ability to remember verbal instructions, c) the overall level of their listening skills, and d) their analytical skills.  In the exercise, each row will be a step and they have to select the picture that illustrates or shows the correct step.  For example, the first row is the first step to operating the machine.  They are to put a check mark or an "X" on the box beside the correct picture.  The correct picture for the first step is the first picture -- sit down with their back on the back rest of the chair.  This continues until the exercise is finished.

TESL 0150 - Module 1 Public Domain or CC Licensing

Public domain is the status wherein the copyright holder of a content or material is said to waive the ownership of the copyright of their work, and no restrictions are usually made in their reproduction or alterations.  CC Licensing or Creative commons license is considered to be an open license, wherein the author ultimately maintains clear and specific ownership of the content or material but gives others the right to share, use or make changes to that material.  The important distinction is that CC licensing enables the author to impose restrictions as to how the work is altered to shared, whereas public domain seemingly waives any copyright restriction.

Personally, I do like sharing my work to others without any restrictions as to how they use it or how many times they share it.  However, I speak for my colleagues rather than the whole world.  I think it is important to note that different people would have different ideas and expertise and it is important to understand that people may take the materials and alter it in a way that I would not really agree with.  On the other hand, it is comforting that a blog such as this would be copyrighted to me though in the realm of public domain and it would be fairly easy to alter the way that I describe ideas or materials.

Ultimately, my personal work thrives in resources shared under the public domain and even if I do prefer that some works be put under CC license, it is much more accessible and there is more freedom in the public domain.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan: Occupational-Specific Essential Skills Quality Discussion
Date: November 19, 2018
Class Level: CBL 3 and up
Class time: 1 hour

Language Task Goal: 
The learners will work on their Reading and Speaking Benchmarks, both comprehending written information and getting things done by answering and sharing their answers to questions.  The learners will work on their ability to read a story and answer questions related to the concept of quality, and then share their answers to their group.  The training situation is not that new to them, as this is facilitated on the third consecutive class.

By the end of the workshop, the learners will be able to:

Explain what quality is and why it is important in their work
Summarize the quality story and explain how it is related to the work that they will be doing
Discuss how quality work and products can affect the company's overall reputation


Language Activities and Procedure
Language Focus
Language Skills
Purpose of the Activity
Class discussion on the definition of quality and related words
The learners will work on their previous knowledge, but also build vocabulary.
Reading, listening and speaking
Doing this activity would enable the assessment of background knowledge on quality.
The learners will be speaking in pairs, and then as a class.
5 minutes
Answer questions on quality (before reading the quality story)

The learners will focus on comprehending questions and then giving meaningful answers to their understanding of the topic of quality, and then sharing their answers to their group members
Reading, Writing, speaking
Doing this activity will let them individually read questions and meaningfully answer questions with 4-5 sentences, and then share those answers in a group
The learners will first answer questions individually, and then sharing their in a group
20 minutes
Reading a short story regarding quality
The learners will focus on reading and comprehending a short story regarding quality -- this short story is used by the quality control supervisor to teach or discuss about quality.ReadingDoing this activity will let them understand the importance of quality and how quality looks like in the factory settingThe learners will read the story individually, and then we will read the story as a class10 minutes
Answer questions on quality (after reading the quality story)The learners will focus on reading questions related to the quality story, and then use the information that they know about the short story to answer quality questions.Reading, Writing, SpeakingDoing this activity will let them read questions and then connect them to the story they have read, and then formulate answers based on facts of the story and their own analysis of the topic of qualityThe learners will read and answer questions individually first, then share the story in small groups, and then share it in class15 minutes
Closing Summary
The learners will be able to review what we have learned and answer any questions that they may have.
Listening and speaking
The learners can recall and reflect on the things that they have learned
The learners will discuss this as a class.
10 minutes